September The Key

September is graced with having two different birth flowers. The vibrant aster and the beautiful yet resilient morning glory. The significance of both flowers is actually very similar, with the aster being said to represent love, while the morning glory represents affection.
The world and all its living beings, URGENTLY cry out for undeniable LOVE more than ever, beginning with themselves!
Honestly and realistically, I was consumed by the weight of the world's sadness and sense of the struggle, intensifying daily all around me. Like a thick mist moving in and crossing ALL divides.
Hearing and reading about children of all ages battling anxiety, depression, unemployment, poverty and ever increasing addiction across the board.
Sandy's home page reads ...ALLOW NATURE TO HEAL YOU!

So the question I ask, is WILL you?
Beautanical Therapy offers extensively researched ingredients from our beloved earth. Not only are they totally non harmful, but incredibly healing, soothing instruments of change. The mindful ingredients together with the Authentic, Divine humans behind them is what sets them apart.
Every product I have used for myself, family, which includes our beloved four legged family members, has holistically created overall wellness in our bodies and minds, thereby soothing our Sacred and worn out Souls.
Instead of opting for the main stream way of doing things via Pharma, then having to not only deal with the ailments, but endless and unpleasant side effects, may be the norm, but certainly NOT the superior, informed and educated choice.
Make a really WISE
move to natural and give instant gratification, with dire consequences a much needed break. Your body, mind and Spirit will respect you

There are several options to choose from for example Neuro, ECS400, Pain Relax and several more.
The real beauty of buying from Sandy is you don't have to wander around the site not knowing what to choose. Whereas most times, our experience in retail stores endure insufficient members of staff, often lacking in Product Range Training and coerced into selling specific Brand Names to earn commissions and kick backs to stores.
Consulting with Sandy who has invested her LIFE into helping you heal, is by far a superior decision that both you and your body and the rest of your life's journey, will welcome with open arms.
Give your body a real fighting chance to heal itself, exactly like it has the innate ability to do!
Writing The Key monthly for Sandy is a Divinely inspired platform, to express both the pure JOY of Life and also the inescapable grief of reality, of where humanity across the planet now find themselves.
As keepers and guardians of the planet, gratefully, many have consciously done much to love, defend and protect the vulnerable and less fortunate and particularly the indefensible and voiceless animal kingdom. In the same breath sadly ..the majority have done little or nothing and been consumers and destroyers of all our incredible natural resources.
It is these WAKE UP CALL times, that we should all be found not wanting, but tearing up in GRATITUDE, for what we have left and fighting with all our might, to save what's left of our free and greatest gift of nature in its entirety .... MOTHER EARTH, OUR Home .
Custodianship, ownership and responsibility, NOW falls upon every human being to savour, cherish, love and protect. ALL LIVING BEINGS!
My collaboration with Beautanical Therapy led by Sandy Armbruster, is just one way in which I feel I am giving a little back for all the Love, life has offered me and my loved ones.
Who is your Mountaineering Partner?
We all have our unique set of personal struggle mountains to climb. Having a supportive, inspiring Woman
like Sandy, who literally never complains and is always focussed on serving others needs and healing journeys, who consciously lives looking at her glass half full daily, is miraculous.

My wish is that each and everyone one of you Beautanical Brave Hearts will find that someone on your journey, if you haven't thus far.
Some super exciting news for Summer ahead!
Our Creative lass has been hard at work in the product development department and come out with a Natural SPF 30. We All Really need this breakthrough with all the negativity surrounding chemical ingredients in sunblock. I have been chosen to test the New Kid on The Block ....sooooooooooo.............. WATCH THE SPACE!
Sandy recently received a powerful testimonial on the Power of BE WELL from a client recovering post operatively. Video on beautanical_therapy Instagram, check it out.
How do WE ALL make September 2022 our greatest SPRING yet?
We FOCUS on .....
Why we are here...
What we DO have..
Who we REALLY are...
Who we DO have......
How we Speak to ourselves and others......
How we Self care ...
How we start the day...
How we end the day
Where we lend a hand with love for those struggling ...
Where we place our attention and loyalty....and so on and so forth.
I have always unconsciously focussed on Love as my main priority since a toddler, to CONSCIOUSLY realise at the age of 53, that NOTHING is more important than LOVE.
So traditionally the world says February is the month of love, well I say every minute of EVERYDAY is the Day for LOVE.
May September 2022 be overflowing with you, me and all the Beautanicals living life with overflowing LOVE as our Number 1 priority.
Love is the very reason we are all here, experiencing this Human Journey.
Love changes everything!
Till we meet again in October