Inflammation is an Inside Job
At Beautanical Therapy we believe in healing from the inside out. One of our main goals is to help people reduce inflammation. The perception that inflammation is only external makes sense, it's easy to look at a painful swollen and red ankle in a state of panic. What we don’t see is what happens from the inside and the foods we are eating could be the main cause of internal inflammation.
What is it?
The main characteristics of inflammation are redness, swelling, pain, heat and loss of function. When you sprain an ankle and you can’t walk, loss of function is abundantly clear but inflammation on the inside could be causing problems with digestion and could even be the reason you are struggling to lose weight.
What causes your body to Swell Up?
On the outside, it's easy to explain. We all know the feeling of falling and bumping our knee or tripping and bumping a wrist and suffering for the next week while it heals. But what causes internal inflammation.
Certain Food Groups Create Inflammation
Some inflammation is caused by our diet. These foods are most responsible for causing inflammation:
- Refined carbs like bread and pastries
- Sugar and corn syrups
- Vegetable and seed oils
- Excessive alcohol
- Processed meat
- Red meats
- Margarine
When we have a look at this list - it’s easy to understand why doctors discourage us from eating a McDonalds burger every day, as they tick basically all the boxes. Having a well balanced diet, can do wonders for your body overtime and requires a consistent diet pattern to be at its optimal best.
Lifestyle Changes Reduce Inflammation
Our lifestyle could be causing inflammation in our bodies too. I think everyone could tick at least one of these boxes.
- Stress and anxiety
- Weight problems
- Poor sleep patterns
- Lack of exercise
That’s just life - it’s stressful and it’s tough. We can’t all live the ideal lifestyle while fitting in exercise, sleep, work and just everyday stuff. Therefore finding some kind of work life balance is critical to our overall health.
What can help?
Well along with the inflammatory foods, there are also anti-inflammatory foods like these:
- Eggs
- Bananas
- Tomatoes
- Green leafy veg
- Nuts
- Olive oil
- Fatty fish like salmon and tuna
- Fruit like blueberries and oranges
But while these foods are excellent for reducing inflammation - it’s hard to completely give up the good stuff.
CBD fights and Treats It:
The excellent news is that using CBD oil everyday as an immune support will reduce inflammation. As a result, CBD oil reduces the inflammation in your gut caused by modern day lifestyles. It will reduce overall stress and anxiety in our lives and help us to live a healthy and happy life. There are many CBD oils out there, therefore what's important to understand is how much mg you are getting to ensure an effective treatment. That being said, you should always consult your doctor before you transition to a CBD treatment.